I can't believe this boy is 13 already! The time has flown by too fast. He's so fun! His sense of humor is growing and changing. He's favorites currently are Minecraft, and camping with his scout troop. He's getting super close to mastering his Rubik Cube he got for Christmas too. He's a wonderful brother. He's often willing to help out whenever I need him to. He also starting playing the piano again. He doesn't want to admit he enjoys playing but when he masters a song he can't stop smiling. I love him soo much!! I hope your birthday was all you expected it to be!
We ended up spending the weekend in Missouri with McKinzie and her family. McKinzie and Geoff are closing on a house in 2 weeks and met us to return Mom's bedroom set and the small ATV's.
Since we were together we decided to celebrate Mason's birthday.
We went to see a movie, Tomorrowland. It was not what we were expecting but we all liked it.
Then we went roller skating! It was Adam and Retta's first time. They loved it too!
After a yummy dinner at Outback we went back to the hotel to swim.

I don't think we could have added more fun to our day. Sunday morning, Mason's actual birthday, we had cake and presents.
He got what he wanted! A monitor to play his games on the computer. Now he'll use two. Such a spoiled boy.
It was a quick trip to Missouri but so glad we went. It was great seeing Kinz and her family. We miss them.
The boys were excited for the trip. They enjoyed watching movies in the car, hanging out in the hotel while Brian and I transferred the furniture to our trailer, and playing with Adam.
Unfortunately we had rain. Lots and lots of rain. Geoff and Kinz wrapped the furniture well yet a few things got wet. We had even more rain on our drive home. So more wet furniture. Everything is airing out now. I'm sure it'll be fine.
Karlee had to work so she stayed home. She started her new job on Friday. She's excited to have a job. She stayed very busy while we were gone, which was good. She said it was strange being home alone. It worked out well though. She was able to keep Stella home with her.