We had so much fun just being around family. The kids loved hanging out with cousins.
I was able to get together with Brenda and Terri for lunch one day. It was at the hospital when Terri had lunch. A little strange but that's ok. I wanted to see them.
Then another day the kids and I went over to Aarins. Jeannette and her kids were going to join us but her kids got sick. Jeannette and I never did get together. Schedules are hard.
We were able to see Shon and Holly and their family quite a bit. I'm so glad. Our boys had so much fun together.
Mason and Tyler got in the hot tub too but I wasn't quick enough to get a picture.
Stella did much better when she was on her leash. Lexi wanted to walk her. It was so cute!

Mason and Carson spent one night with Aarins kids. I hope we can keep these friendships strong. It's hard when we're lucky to see each other once a year.
The day we were heading back we stopped by to see Grandma Baker. She hadn't been feeling well all week but we had to stop by and give her hugs.
Just before we headed out we stopped to pick up some snacks. The clerk asked what we were doing for the day. I quickly said we were heading home, back to Texas. Brian quickly corrected and said Illinois. I was sick that it wasn't Texas. I miss Texas... We all do.