Friday, November 6, 2015

date night

Friday has been our standing date night for...I don't even remember how long, maybe 7 years. It's just a given. If the kids have things going on we do all we can to still make it happen. A few times we've moved it to Saturday. There have been a couple occasions where everybody was busy so Carson would come with us. We then would go see a movie that we knew he would like. 

Life happens and we get in a rut...

This morning I found this on my bathroom counter. It totally made my day!! My heart did a little flip, my stomach got butterflies. It was silly but I LOVED it!! I love Brian so much! I know we have to do these little things for each other to keep excitement in our marriage. Afterall, once the kids move out it'll be just the two of us. We better make sure we still like each other. ;)

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