Monday, July 18, 2016

my family

My run this morning was great with this overcast sky. The humidity was above 80% so I really needed the cloudy morning. I ran my usual 4 miles. I try and run 4-5 times a week. I truly enjoy running.

I'm loving my hydrangeas!! Do you see that one blossom that's as tall as CJ? I haven't done a thing but praise their beauty. This morning I cut a few, plus the cone flowers, to enjoy inside.

Then there's this beauty!! These roses have never looked so good! I haven't done much for these either and to be honest they're a little sad. But man this one sure looks and smells good!

This afternoon I chatted with McKinzie and Bailee, separately. I do love talking with my girls. McKinzie is doing well. She didn't want to hurt my feelings but she's glad we don't live close. It didn't hurt. I totally understand. I know I/we would be overbearing. She has wonderful friends there to help when she really needs it. Plus, she calls me when she needs me too. 

Bailee has decided to not come home when this semester ends. When she first told me my heart hurt. Now, I'm excited for her. She's planning on going to Alberta with her friend, Cara. Evidently Bailee has been dubbed an "honorary Canadian" by her friend. ;) She'll come home for a few weeks in August and finish her teeth and be here while I take Karlee to BYU. Five more weeks and we'll be on our way. Wahoo!!

After dinner Mason walked 6 miles on the treadmill. He enjoys this more since he can watch TV while he walks. At least he had his 30 lbs pack on. 

Also after dinner, Brian mowed while I weeded the garden. I've already ate a few handfuls of cherry tomatoes and a cucumber. I brought more in tonight. It seems they have ripened earlier than last year.  I'm loving it!

As it started to get dark CJ and I shot a few baskets then noticed the lightning bugs. Of course we decided to catch a few. This is one of the coolest things about living in Illinois. They're pretty easy to catch too. It's been a good day. 

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